Enterprise System


The Operations Team at Yieldmo uses a library of disparate tools to perform core tasks to support our Managed Service branch of business, causing frequent switching between tools multiple times within their workflow. Frequent switching between tools has cost Yieldmo a loss of efficiency in operational processes.

Design Challenge:
Create a scalable tool with a unified user experience and thought out information architecture within the CUBA platform (a RAD Java framework) that suits the needs of the user, and addresses the fundamental architecture gaps between the current state of disparate tools.

Multiple rounds of one-on-one user interviews were conducted with the Operations team to observe their workflow and understand how and why the current state of tools were being used. Friction points between tools were observed and helped identify opportunities to enhance the user experience. One on one card sorting exercises were then conducted to identify how information were categorized by the users and to validate against the information architecture within the new tool.

A sitemap, user flows and wireframes were created and are now currently being implemented.