Mobile User Research


Having worked at Yieldmo for three years, I helped cultivate a human-centric design culture by ingraining design and research methods into the everyday Formats team product build flow. Inserting a human-centric approach has helped identify product market opportunities and inform product iteration.

Build empathy with mobile users, discover new product market opportunities, and inform the process of conducting future research.

The research project happened in two key phases which led to a shipped Format product and a larger project initiation. First phase involved working with users to discover and define product opportunities; second phase entailed interviewing marketers to get feedback on Format proof of concepts and identifying friction points in implementing advertising assets for the new Formats.

Interviews were conducted with mobile users to understand their content consumption habits, mobile commerce behaviors and impactful brand reach experiences. After distilling the behavioral patterns that emerged from the interviews, a 2x2 framework was created and uncovered rich opportunities within the context of mobile advertising. The framework generated four broad themes of consumption: Affinity, Intent, Impulse, and Habit. Design Challenges were defined for each theme to guide cross-functional brainstorms, resulting in over 20 new product ideas.

Storyboards and prototypes of five different Formats were then created as proof of concepts to present to marketers for feedback. Of the five, one concept—Lookbook Format—went through to development, working with engineers and stakeholders to iterate on the concept, and A/B testing to validate assumptions before launch.